Scaling is the procedure of removing the plaque and calculus (hardened plaque) above and below the gum line, making sure to clean all the way down to the bottom of the pocket. Mild stains can be removed with scaling and Polishing. Root planing is smoothening of tooth roots to help gums reattach to the teeth. Scaling and root planing helps to maintain healthy gums.
Plaque and calculus causes irritation of the gums and causes inflammation called as gingivitis and further may lead to abscess also known as periodontal abscess. Periodontists is the inflammation of gums, and or abscess along with bone loss.
Treatment of the same at appropriate time can help in reversing the condition. Worsening of the same may lead to mobility of teeth which may have to be extracted.
Gingivitis and periodontists are also signs of few systemic diseases. Poor oral health can also lead to systemic diseases. Bad breath is caused due to poor oral hygiene. So to maintain a healthy mouth with healthy gums and bone, scaling, root planning and polishing is done.